How to go → SIEM REAP to KAMPOT? ☀️

How to get from Siem Reap to Kampot? You can go to Krong Kampot by plane + bus, train, car or taxi.

1. Flight + Bus to Kampot
2. Bus / Van to Kampot
3. Bus + Train to Kampot
4. Taxi/ Car to Kampot
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From Siem Reap to Kampot you can travel by bus, train + plane, taxi/car.

    • Travel distance from Siem Reap to Kampot in Cambodia is about 450 km by bus/train via Phnom Penh. There are 4 popoular ways how you can travel to Kampot from Siem Reap: travel by plane + bus via Sihanoukville, by tourist bus and minivan, bus + train of Royal Railway via Phnom Penh or private car. The best and fastest option is to take a flight to Sihanoukville and from this city you can travel by bus or train to Kampot. Travel by plane + bus/minivan from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Sihanoukville) takes about 6-8 hours and it costs totally about $50-140/pp. Kampot has no airport, the closest airport is in Sihanoukville, about 100 km from Kampot.
    • Another popular and cheap option of transfer to Kampot is to travel by tourist bus/van via Phnom Penh. Travel by bus or minivan from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) takes about 10-12 hours and it costs about $15-30/pp. There are various bus companies between these cities and bus tickets are cheap. There is no direct train from Siem Reap to Krong Kampot. But you can travel by bus or car to Phnom Penh and from this city you can travel by train of Royal Railway to Kampot. Travel by bus + train from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) takes about 13-15 hours and it costs about $14-30/pp. From Kampot you can also travel to Phu Quoc in Vietnam.
    • Book tickets / flights from Siem Reap to Kampot online

BOOK TICKETS with Baolau

    • The last way how you can travel from Siem Reap to Kampot is to book a private taxi/car. Private taxi is the most expensive option of transfer to Kampot. Travel time by taxi or car from Siem Reap to Krong Kampot is about 7.5-11 hours and it costs about $200-260 (vehicle). There is a hotel transfer if you book your private car to Kampot online. Kampot is another popular tourist city in Cambodia, but it is not so visited by foreign tourists. The most attractive site in Kampot is Bokor National Park, it is located about 35 km west of Kampot town. There is also a railway station in Kampot and there are trains of Royal Railway to Phnom Penh or Sihanoukville. Krong Kampot also offers a wide range of various cheap hotels, guesthouses, tourist resorts and a few luxury hotels in the town. Read the instructions how you can reach Kampot from Siem Reap below in this article. You can also book and buy tickets to Kampot online.
Transfer Mode – Siem Reap to Kampot: Travel Time Cost Range
Flight + Bus / Van (via Sihanouk) 6-8 hours $50-140/pp
Bus / Minivan (via Phnom Penh) 10-12 hours $15-30/pp
Bus + Train (via Phnom Penh) 13-15 hours $14-30/pp
Private Taxi/Car 7.5-11 hours $200-260 (vehicle)


How do you get from Siem Reap to Kampot?

1. FLIGHT + BUS / VAN from Siem Reap to Kampot

A) DIRECT FLIGHT from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville

    • flight is the most fastest way how to get from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville
    • airlines to Sihanoukville: Cambodia Angkor Air, JC International Airlines, Lanmei Airlines…
    • direct flight from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville takes about 1-1.5 hour
    • the one-way flight from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville costs about $35-130/pp
    • check it: How to get from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville?

B) BUS / MINIVAN from Sihanoukville to Kampot

    • from Sihanoukville to Kampot you can travel by minivan or tourist bus
    • travel by minivan/tourist bus from Sihanoukville to Kampot takes about 3-3.5 hours
    • Krong Kampot is about 100 km from Sihanoukville
    • one-way bus ticket from Sihanoukville to Kampot costs about $8-9/pp
    • bus companies from Sihanoukville to Kampot: Champa Tourist Bus, CTT Transportation…
    • you can also travel by historical train of Royal Railway (only on Saturday, Sunday, Monday)
    • read this article: How to go to Kampot from Sihanoukville?
From Siem Reap to Kampot you can travel by plane + bus/van via Sihanoukville (photo: Cambodia Angkor Air, Baolau).

2. BUS / VAN from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh)

A) BUS / MINIVAN from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

    • from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh you can travel by tourist bus or minivan, minibus
    • travel by bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh cost about $8-19/pp
    • travel by bus/minibus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh takes about 5.5-7 hours
    • there are various bus companies to Phnom Penh from Siem Reap
    • check it: Siem Reap to Phnom Penh – Bus Schedule

B) BUS / MINIVAN from Phnom Penh to Kampot

    • from Phnom Penh to Krong Kampot you can travel by tourist bus or minivan
    • travel by bus/minivan from Phnom Penh to Kampot takes about 3-4 hours
    • transfer by tourist bus from Phnom Penh to Kampot costs about $7-10/pp
    • bus companies to Kampot: Ekareach Express, Pacific Express, Virak Buntham, Giant Ibis, Kim Seng Express…
    • check it: How to go to Kampot from Phnom Penh?
From Siem Reap to Kampot you can travel by bus, minivan or minibus via Phnom Penh (photo:

3. BUS + TRAIN from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh)

A) BUS / MINIVAN from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

    • from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh you can go by bus, minibus
    • transport by bus / minivan from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh cost about $8-19/pp
    • transport by bus/minibus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh takes about 5.5-7 hours
    • there are various bus companies between these cities
    • check this article: Siem Reap to Phnom Penh – Bus Schedule

B) TRAIN from Kampot to Phnom Penh

From Siem Reap to Kampot you can travel by bus/van + train of Royal Railway via Phnom Penh (photo: Baolau).

4. PRIVATE TAXI / CAR from Siem Reap to Kampot

    • from Siem Reap to Krong Kampot you can also travel by private taxi or car
    • travel by taxi or car from Siem Reap to Krong Kampot takes about 7.5-11 hours
    • transport by taxi or car from Siem Reap to Krong Kampot costs about $200-260 (vehicle)
    • there are various modern cars or minivans and SUV to Kampot
    • taxi companies to Kampot from Siem Reap: SIMA TRAVEL, Glassflower

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Private taxi/car from Siem Reap to Kampot by SIMA Travel (photo:

FAQ + Travel Tips – Siem Reap to Krong Kampot:

1. How to book tickets or flights from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • Book bus/train, car + flights from Siem Reap to Kampot on Baolau or
    • You can change your travel route, e.g. Siem Reap to Sihanoukville, Kampot to Kep…

2. What is the travel time from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • Transfer by flight + bus/minivan from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Sihanoukville) takes about 6-8 hours.
    • Transfer by bus or minivan from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) takes about 10-12 hours.
    • Transfer by bus + train from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) takes about 13-15 hours.
    • Transfer by private taxi/car from Siem Reap to Kampot takes about 7.5-11 hours.

3. What is the travel distance from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • Travel distance from Siem Reap to Kampot is about 450 km by bus/train via Phnom Penh and about 370 km via Sihanoukville by plane (direct flight) + bus or train.

4. How much does it cost to get from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • Travel by plane + bus from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Sihanoukville) costs about $50-140/pp.
    • Travel by bus or minivan from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) costs about $15-30/pp.
    • Travel by bus +train from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) costs about $14-30/pp.
    • Travel by private taxi/car from Siem Reap to Kampot costs about $200-260 (vehicle).

5. What is the cheapest way of transfer from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • The most cheapest way of transfer from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh) is to travel by bus or bus + train via Phnom Penh. The most cheapest option of transport to Kampot should cost about $14-20/pp.

6. What is the fastest way of transport from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • The most fastest way of getting from Siem Reap to Kampot in Cambodia is to travel by plane + tourist bus/van via Sihanoukville. There is a direct flight from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville and from Sihanoukville you can travel by tourist bus, minivan or train to Krong Kampot.

7. Is there a direct flight from Siem Reap to Kampot?

    • No, Kampot has no airport, but you can take a direct flight to Sihanoukville, about 100 km from Kampot. From Sihanoukville to Kampot you can travel by bus, private car or train of Royal Railway.

8. Where to go and travel from Kampot?

    • From Kampot you can travel to Kep, Sihanoukville and Koh Rong or you can also travel to Vietnam and visit Phu Quoc Island. You can cross the border from Cambodia to Vietnam – Ha Tien and from Ha Tien you can travel by speedboat or ferry to Phu Quoc Island.

9. What is the most visited place in Kampot?

    • The most visited and attractive place in Kampot is Bokor National Park. Bokor Hill Station is about 35 km from Kampot town. This place is accessible by private taxi, motorbike or local bus.

10. How and where to book hotel in Krong Kampot?

    • Kampot has mainly cheap hotels, guesthouses or private tourist resorts at the town. Prices are low and you can search and book your accommodation in Kampot online.

11. How to travel solo in Cambodia?

    • Solo travel in Cambodia offers a unique and enriching experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of this Southeast Asian gem. Navigate Cambodia solo by securing comfortable accommodations, exploring diverse transportation options, engaging in local activities, and fostering connections with fellow travelers for an enriching and memorable journey through the Kingdom of Wonder.

12. What is the weather in Cambodia and what to expect?

    • In Cambodia, the weather is characterized by a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The dry season, from November to April, brings lower humidity and minimal rainfall, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. Conversely, the wet season, from May to October, sees heavier rainfall and higher humidity. It’s important to be prepared for sudden downpours during this time, and some areas may experience flooding. Checking local forecasts is advisable for more accurate and timely information on the weather in Cambodia.

13. Is traveling and exploring Cambodia cheap or expensive?

    • Cambodia’s affordability extends to various aspects of travel, including cultural activities, scenic treks, and beach retreats. Engaging with friendly locals and enjoying the diverse culinary scene are enriching experiences that come at reasonable prices. While providing budget-friendly options, it’s advisable to have a financial buffer for unexpected expenses to ensure a seamless and stress-free journey. Read this article: Prices in Cambodia.

14. What is the currency of Cambodia and how to exchange money?

    • Cambodia’s official currency is the Cambodian Riel (KHR), but the US Dollar (USD) is widely accepted and used in various transactions. The exchange rate is approximately around 4,000 KHR for 1 USD. Travelers can exchange money at banks or currency exchange booths, with banks typically providing better rates, albeit having more limited operating hours. While credit cards are accepted in some upscale establishments and restaurants, cash remains the preferred form of payment, especially in more rural regions. Therefore, it’s recommended for visitors to carry both US Dollars and Cambodian Riel, especially when venturing into less touristy areas.

15. What is the cuisine in Cambodia and what to expect?

    • Cambodian cuisine offers a delightful journey of flavors, blending simplicity with a diverse range of fresh ingredients. From iconic dishes like „Amok“ to the unique use of herbs and spices, the culinary landscape reflects a rich cultural tapestry. With a focus on balance and an appreciation for local traditions, Cambodian cuisine provides a unique and flavorful experience for those exploring its diverse gastronomic offerings.

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3 Ways of Transfer from Siem Reap to Kampot:

1. FLIGHT + BUS / VAN from Siem Reap to Kampot
A) DIRECT FLIGHT from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville
Airlines Cambodia Angkor Air, JC International Airlines, Lanmei Airlines…
Travel Time Takes about 1-1.5 hours for a direct flight
Cost About $35-130 per person (one-way)
B) BUS / MINIVAN from Sihanoukville to Kampot
Travel Time Takes about 3-3.5 hours
Distance Krong Kampot is about 100 km from Sihanoukville
Cost About $8-9 per person (one-way)
Bus Companies Champa Tourist Bus, CTT Transportation…
2. BUS / VAN from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh)
A) BUS / MINIVAN from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh
Cost About $8-19 per person (one-way)
Travel Time Takes about 5.5-7 hours
B) BUS / MINIVAN from Phnom Penh to Kampot
Travel Time Takes about 3-4 hours
Cost About $7-10 per person (one-way)
Bus Companies Ekareach Express, Pacific Express, Virak Buntham, Giant Ibis, Kim Seng Express…
3. BUS + TRAIN from Siem Reap to Kampot (via Phnom Penh)
A) BUS / MINIVAN from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh
Cost About $8-19 per person (one-way)
Travel Time Takes about 5.5-7 hours
B) TRAIN from Kampot to Phnom Penh
Travel Time Takes about 5.5 hours
Cost About $7-8 per person (one-way)
Train Schedule Trains to Kampot run daily
4. PRIVATE TAXI / CAR from Siem Reap to Kampot
Travel Time Takes about 7.5-11 hours
Cost About $200-260 per vehicle
Taxi Companies SIMA TRAVEL, Glassflower


🎫 Book your tickets from Siem Reap to Kampot + Schedule:

Siem Reap to SihanoukvilleSihanoukville to KampotSiem Reap to Koh RongBattambang to Phnom PenhSiem Reap to BattambangSisaket

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