From Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan you can get by bus/van, train, car.
Travel distance from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan in Thailand is about 300 km by road. There are 3 ways how you can get to Prachuap Khiri Khan from Bangkok – travel by train of Thai Railway, tourist bus or private car/taxi. There is no flight to Prachuap Khiri Khan from Bangkok. The most popular option how you can reach Prachuap Khiri Khan is to travel by train. Transport by train from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan takes about 6-7.5 hours and train tickets cost about $5-40/pp. Another popular way is to travel by bus to Prachuap Khiri Khan.
Transport by bus to Prachuap Khiri Khan from Bangkok takes about 3 hours and bus tickets cost about $8/pp. Buses depart from Mochit New Van Terminal or Southern Terminal in Bangkok and arrive to Prachuap Khiri Khan Minivan Station or town. The last option, the most expensive, is to book your private car / taxi to Prachuap Khiri Khan. Transfer by private car from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan takes about 2.5-3.5 hours and it costs about $80-130/car. You can search and book tickest or private car to Prachuap Khiri Khan from Bangkok easily online. From Bangkok you can also travel to Ratchaburi or you can visit Chonburi.
Prachuap Khiri Khan Province is better known for its natural beauty of the beaches and mountains. Hua Hin, the main attraction of the province is one of the most popular seaside resorts in Thailand not only among Thais but also among foreign visitors. Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park covers an area of 98 km² and is located approximately 300 km southwest of Bangkok and 63 km south of Hua Hin in the province of Prachuap Khiri Khan. The name Khao Sam Roi Yot can literally be translated as „a mountain with three hundred peaks“. It offers various sights, nice beaches, tourist attractions and even the true authenticity of Thailand.
Private taxi/car from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan by Kim Transfers Thailand (photo:
❓ FAQ — Travel from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan:
1. How to book bus/train tickets from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
You can book and buy tickets from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan on ➜ or Baolau ➜.
You can also book another route, Prachuap Khiri Khan > Bangkok…
2. How long does it take to get from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
Travel by train of Thai Railway from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan takes about 6-7.5 hours.
Travel by bus/minivan from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan takes about 3 hours.
Travel by private taxi/car from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan takes about 2.5-3.5 hours.
3. What is the travel distance from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
Travel distance from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan is about 300 km by road (bus, train, car).
4. How much does it cost to ger from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
Travel by train of Thai Railway from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan costs about $5-40/pp.
Travel by bus/minivan from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan costs about $8/pp.
Travel by private taxi from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan costs about $80-130/car.
5. Are there some flights from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
No, there are no commercial flights from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan province.
6. What is the most cheapest way of transfer from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
The most cheapest way of transport from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan is to travel by train of Thai Railway, the most cheapest train tickets start at $5/pp.
7. What is the best way of transport from Bangkok to Prachuap Khiri Khan?
The best and fast way of transport to Prachuap Khiri Khan from Bangkok is to travel by tourist bus, minibus.
8. How do I get from Prachuap Khiri Khan to Bangkok?
From Prachuap Khiri Khan province or town to Bangkok you can travel by train, tourist bus or private taxi, the same way how you reach Prachuap Khiri Khan.
9. What you can also visit before you come to Prachuap Khiri Khan City?
Before you arrive to Prachuap Khiri Khan City, you can also visit Hua Hin. Hua Hin is about 100 km north of Prachuap Khiri Khan City and it is a favorite beach place by tourists. There are also trains, buses or private cars to Hua Hin. Read this article: How to go to Hua Hin from Bangkok?
10. Where you can travel from Prachuap Khiri Khan?
From Prachuap Khiri Khan you can travel to southern Thailand, e.g. to Surat Thani + Phuket and Krabi. You can travel by train + bus / minivan to these sites via Surat Thani.
11. How and where to book hotel in Prachuap Khiri Khan?
Prachuap Khiri Khan offers mainly cheap guesthouses, hotels + resorts for tourists. Search and book your hotel, bungalow or resort in Prachuap Khiri Khan online > Book resort or hotel in Prachuap Khiri Khan.
12. How you should travel and explore Thailand?
There are various ways of transport in Thailand, you can use various tourist buses / minivans, trains, private cars / taxi, boats and ferries or you can rent a motorbike or bicycle. Read this article: Transportation in Thailand. The most comfortable option is to travel by plane, there are various direct domestic flights.