Weather in Khao Lak + Best Time to Visit

What is the weather in Khao Lak in Thailand? What is the best time / season to visit Khao Lak.

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What is the weather in Khao Lak in Thailand?

Khao Lak is a popular beach destination located in the Phang Nga province of Thailand. The weather in Khao Lak is influenced by the tropical climate, which is characterized by two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. If you’re looking for sunny weather and outdoor activities, the dry season is the ideal time to visit.

☀️ The dry season in Khao Lak typically lasts from November to April, with January to March being the driest months. During this time, the weather is generally sunny and dry, with little to no rainfall. Temperatures during the day can reach highs of around 32°C (90°F), while nighttime temperatures can drop to around 22°C (72°F). The dry season is a popular time to visit Khao Lak, as the weather is ideal for outdoor activities and water sports.

⛈️ The rainy season Khao Lak usually runs from May to October, with September and October being the wettest months. During this time, the weather is characterized by heavy rain and thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 25°C (77°F) to 31°C (88°F). The humidity levels are also higher during the rainy season, making it feel hotter and more uncomfortable. It’s worth noting that Khao Lak is prone to flooding during the rainy season, so visitors should be prepared for potential disruptions to travel plans.

Despite the higher chance of rain during the rainy season, it’s still a popular time to visit Khao Lak, especially for those looking for a quieter and more affordable trip. The lush greenery and waterfalls around the area are also at their most beautiful during this time, making it a great time for nature lovers.

What is the best time to visit Khao Lak?

The best time to visit Khao Lak depends on your preferences and travel plans. If you’re looking for sunny weather and dry conditions, then the best time to visit Khao Lak is during the dry season, which typically runs from November to April. This period is characterized by warm and dry weather with little to no rainfall, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and water sports. The peak season for tourism in Khao Lak is between December and February, so it’s important to book accommodation and activities in advance during this time.

However, if you’re looking for a quieter and more affordable trip, then the rainy season, which usually runs from May to October, could be a great option for you. The weather in Khao Lak in Thailand during this time is characterized by heavy rain and thunderstorms, but the lush greenery and waterfalls around the area are at their most beautiful during this period, making it a great time for nature lovers.

It’s worth noting that Khao Lak is prone to flooding during the rainy season, so visitors should be prepared for potential disruptions to travel plans. Additionally, some outdoor activities and tours may not be available during this time.
What is the current weather in Khao Lak? Current weather in Khao Lak.

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Weather in Khao Lak throughout the year:

Month Weather Description
January in Khao Lak January is one of the driest months of the year in Khao Lak, Thailand. The weather is warm and sunny with an average high temperature of around 31°C (88°F) and a low of around 22°C (72°F) at night. The humidity is relatively low, making it a comfortable time to explore the beaches, forests, and national parks around Khao Lak. Rainfall during January is minimal, with an average of only 50mm (2 inches) of rainfall spread across the month. Overall, January is a great time to visit Khao Lak for those looking for warm and dry weather to enjoy outdoor activities and water sports.
February in Khao Lak February is one of the driest months of the year in Khao Lak, Thailand, with warm and sunny weather. The average high temperature during the day is around 32°C (90°F), and the low temperature at night is around 23°C (73°F). The humidity is still relatively low, making it a comfortable time to explore the beaches and other attractions. The average rainfall in February is around 28mm (1 inch), which is one of the lowest levels of the year.
March in Khao Lak March is another dry month in Khao Lak, with warm and sunny weather. The average high temperature during the day is around 33°C (91°F), and the low temperature at night is around 24°C (75°F). The humidity begins to increase during this month, but it is still relatively comfortable. The average rainfall in March is around 61mm (2 inches), which is slightly higher than in February but still relatively low.
April in Khao Lak April is the hottest month of the year in Khao Lak, with hot and dry weather. The average high temperature during the day is around 34°C (93°F), and the low temperature at night is around 25°C (77°F). The humidity is high during this month, which can make it feel hotter and more uncomfortable. The average rainfall in April is around 102mm (4 inches), which is higher than in the previous months.
May in Khao Lak May marks the beginning of the rainy season in Khao Lak, with hot and humid weather. The average high temperature during the day is around 32°C (90°F), and the low temperature at night is around 24°C (75°F). The humidity is high during this month, and rainfall increases significantly. The average rainfall in May is around 267mm (10 inches), which is the highest level of the year. Visitors should expect occasional heavy rain and thunderstorms during this month, although there are still plenty of dry and sunny days to enjoy.
June in Khao Lak June is the wettest month of the year in Khao Lak, Thailand, with hot and humid weather. The average high temperature during the day is around 31°C (88°F), and the low temperature at night is around 24°C (75°F). The humidity is high during this month, and rainfall is heavy, with an average of 424mm (17 inches) of rainfall spread across the month. Visitors should expect frequent rain and thunderstorms, but there are still some dry and sunny days to enjoy.
July in Khao Lak July is another wet and humid month in Khao Lak, with an average high temperature of around 31°C (88°F) during the day and a low temperature of around 24°C (75°F) at night. The humidity is high, and rainfall is heavy, with an average of 326mm (13 inches) of rainfall spread across the month. Visitors should expect frequent rain and thunderstorms, but there are still some dry and sunny days to enjoy.
August in Khao Lak August is also a wet and humid month in Khao Lak, with similar weather conditions to July. The average high temperature during the day is around 31°C (88°F), and the low temperature at night is around 24°C (75°F). The humidity is high, and rainfall is heavy, with an average of 335mm (13 inches) of rainfall spread across the month. Visitors should expect frequent rain and thunderstorms, but there are still some dry and sunny days to enjoy.
September in Khao Lak September is still in the rainy season in Khao Lak, with hot and humid weather. The average high temperature during the day is around 31°C (88°F), and the low temperature at night is around 24°C (75°F). The humidity is high, and rainfall is heavy, with an average of 369mm (15 inches) of rainfall spread across the month. Visitors should expect frequent rain and thunderstorms, but there are still some dry and sunny days to enjoy. It’s worth noting that September is the month with the highest risk of tropical storms and typhoons in the region, although they are relatively rare.
October in Khao Lak October marks the end of the rainy season in Khao Lak, with decreasing rainfall and more comfortable temperatures. The average high temperature during the day is around 30°C (86°F), and the low temperature at night is around 23°C (73°F). The humidity begins to decrease during this month, making it a more comfortable time to explore the outdoors. The average rainfall in October is around 273mm (11 inches), which is still relatively high, but with fewer rainy days than in the previous months.

November in Khao Lak November is one of the best months to visit Khao Lak, with warm and sunny weather and low humidity. The average high temperature during the day is around 30°C (86°F), and the low temperature at night is around 23°C (73°F). The humidity is much lower than during the rainy season, making it a comfortable time to explore the beaches and other attractions. The average rainfall in November is around 96mm (4 inches), which is one of the lowest levels of the year.
December in Khao Lak December is a popular month for tourists to visit Khao Lak, with warm and sunny weather and low humidity. The average high temperature during the day is around 30°C (86°F), and the low temperature at night is around 23°C (73°F). The humidity remains low, making it a comfortable time to explore the outdoors. The average rainfall in December is around 34mm (1 inch), which is one of the driest months of the year. Visitors can enjoy plenty of sunshine and pleasant temperatures during this month, making it a great time to enjoy outdoor activities and water sports.

The Current weather in Khao Lak (Takua Pa district):


Max, Min and Average Temperature in Khao Lak:

Khao Lak, Thailand, has a tropical climate with high temperatures throughout the year, and two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The average temperature in Khao Lak varies little from month to month, with average highs of around 31°C (88°F) and average lows of around 23°C (73°F). During the dry season, which runs from November to April, temperatures are slightly cooler and there is less rainfall. The average high temperature during this period ranges from 30°C (86°F) to 32°C (90°F), while the average low temperature ranges from 22°C (72°F) to 24°C (75°F). The hottest months of the year in Khao Lak are usually April and May, with average high temperatures of around 33°C (91°F).

Month Aver. High Temp (°C) Aver. Low Temp (°C) Aver. Rainfall (mm)
January 31 23 30
February 32 23 26
March 33 24 56
April 33 24 103
May 31 23 273
June 31 23 201
July 31 23 197
August 31 23 236
September 31 23 369
October 30 22 273
November 30 23 96
December 30 23 34

Rainfall and Rainy Days in Khao Lak:

During the rainy season, Khao Lak receives the majority of its annual rainfall, with some months experiencing significant amounts of precipitation. On average, Khao Lak receives around 2,400mm of rainfall per year, with an average of 183 rainy days. The wettest months of the year are usually September and October, which can receive over 300mm of rainfall each. However, rainfall in Khao Lak is not evenly distributed throughout the year, with some months experiencing much less precipitation than others.

Month Aver. Monthly Rainfall (mm) Aver. Rainy Days
January 30 6
February 26 4
March 56 6
April 103 12
May 273 20
June 201 17
July 197 16
August 236 18
September 369 22
October 273 21
November 96 11
December 34 5

Max and Average Wind Speed and Wind Gust in Khao Lak:

Khao Lak experiences moderate to strong winds throughout the year due to its location near the coast. The average wind speeds typically range from 5 to 9 mph, with occasional gusts of up to 15 mph. The strongest winds in Khao Lak tend to occur during the rainy season, which runs from May to October. During this time, the winds can be particularly strong, with gusts reaching up to 20 mph or more in some cases.

Month Average Wind Speed (mph) Maximum Wind Gust (mph)
January 6 13
February 6 12
March 6 13
April 6 12
May 7 15
June 8 17
July 8 18
August 8 19
September 8 20
October 7 16
November 6 13
December 6 12

Cloud and Humidity in Khao Lak:

Khao Lak is a humid destination with high levels of cloud cover throughout the year. The humidity in the area typically ranges from 70% to 90%, with higher levels of moisture in the air during the rainy season. Cloud cover in Khao Lak can vary from month to month, with the wet season typically having more cloudy days than the dry season. However, even during the dry season, there can be days when the skies are overcast.

Month Average Cloud Cover Average Humidity
January 40% 78%
February 40% 76%
March 40% 74%
April 40% 73%
May 45% 77%
June 60% 82%
July 65% 83%
August 65% 83%
September 65% 84%
October 55% 81%
November 40% 79%
December 40% 79%

Sun Hours and Sun Days in Khao Lak:

Khao Lak is a sunny destination with high levels of sunshine throughout the year. The area receives an average of 7 to 9 hours of sunshine per day, with the highest levels of sunshine during the dry season. In terms of sun days, Khao Lak typically has around 20 to 25 sunny days per month during the dry season, and around 10 to 15 sunny days per month during the rainy season.

Month Aver. Sun Hours per Day Aver. Sunny Days per Month
January 8 26
February 9 26
March 9 26
April 8 24
May 7 20
June 6 16
July 6 15
August 6 16
September 6 15
October 7 20
November 8 23
December 8 25

Visibility in Khao Lak:

Visibility is an important factor for tourists who want to explore the natural beauty of Khao Lak. The good news is that the average visibility in Khao Lak is generally quite good, ranging from 5 to 10 kilometers throughout the year. This means that tourists can expect to have a clear view of the landscapes and seascapes in and around Khao Lak. However, visibility can be affected by various factors such as humidity, cloud cover, and rainfall. During the rainy season, which runs from May to October, visibility may be slightly lower due to increased cloud cover and moisture in the air. On the other hand, during the dry season from November to April, visibility tends to be better due to the lower humidity and clearer skies.

Month Average Visibility (km)
January 8
February 8
March 9
April 9
May 8
June 6
July 6
August 6
September 6
October 8
November 9
December 9

What is the sea temperature in Khao Lak:

The sea temperature in Khao Lak varies throughout the year, with the warmest water typically occurring from March to May. During the months of January and February, the sea temperature in Khao Lak is usually around 28°C (82°F). As the weather begins to warm up in March, the sea temperature also increases, reaching an average of 28-29°C (82-84°F) from March through to August. In September and October, the sea temperature in Khao Lak begins to cool down slightly, dropping to around 28°C (82°F) on average. November and December are also slightly cooler months, with an average sea temperature of around 28°C (82°F).

Month Aver. Sea Temp. (°C) Aver. Sea Temp. (°F)
January 28 82
February 28 82
March 28 82
April 29 84
May 29 84
June 29 84
July 29 84
August 29 84
September 28 82
October 28 82
November 28 82
December 28 82


Frequently Asked Questions – Weather in Khao Lak:

1. What is the best time to visit Khao Lak?

    • The best time to visit Khao Lak is from November to April, when the weather is dry and sunny with comfortable temperatures. During these months, you can expect daytime temperatures to range from 28°C to 32°C (82°F to 90°F), with low humidity levels and refreshing sea breezes.

2. Does Khao Lak have a monsoon season?

    • Yes, Khao Lak has a monsoon season from May to October, with heavy rainfall and strong winds. During this time, the weather can be unpredictable, with cloudy skies and occasional thunderstorms. However, the rain usually comes in short bursts, followed by periods of sunshine.

3. What is the average temperature in Khao Lak?

    • The average temperature in Khao Lak varies throughout the year. During the dry season from November to April, the average temperature ranges from 27°C to 31°C (81°F to 88°F). In the wet season from May to October, the average temperature is slightly cooler, ranging from 25°C to 29°C (77°F to 84°F).

4. What is the humidity level like in Khao Lak?

    • The humidity level in Khao Lak can be quite high, especially during the wet season from May to October. During this time, the humidity can reach up to 90%, making the weather feel hot and sticky. However, during the dry season from November to April, the humidity level is lower, making the weather feel more comfortable.

5. How much rainfall can I expect in Khao Lak?

    • The amount of rainfall in Khao Lak varies depending on the season. During the wet season from May to October, the area receives an average of 300mm to 400mm (12 inches to 16 inches) of rain per month. In the dry season from November to April, the rainfall is much lower, with an average of 50mm to 100mm (2 inches to 4 inches) per month.

6. Are there any typhoons or hurricanes in Khao Lak?

    • Khao Lak is not typically affected by typhoons or hurricanes. However, during the monsoon season from May to October, the area can experience heavy rainfall and strong winds, which may lead to flooding and landslides in some areas.

7. What is the wind speed like in Khao Lak?

    • The wind speed in Khao Lak varies depending on the season. During the dry season from November to April, the wind speed is generally calm, with average speeds of 5-10 km/h (3-6 mph). In the wet season from May to October, the wind speed can be higher, with average speeds of 15-25 km/h (9-15 mph) and gusts of up to 40 km/h (25 mph).

8. How many sunny days can I expect in Khao Lak?

    • During the dry season from November to April, you can expect sunny days most of the time, with occasional cloud cover. In the wet season from May to October, there are fewer sunny days, with more cloud cover and occasional thunderstorms.

9. What is the visibility like in Khao Lak?

    • The visibility in Khao Lak is generally good, especially during the dry season from November to April. However, during the wet season from May to October, the visibility can be reduced due to heavy rainfall and cloud cover.

10. What is the sea temperature like in Khao Lak?

    • The sea temperature in Khao Lak varies throughout the year. During the dry season from November to April, the sea temperature ranges from 27°C to 29°C, which is warm and comfortable for swimming and water activities. During the rainy season from May to October, the sea temperature is slightly cooler, ranging from 26°C to 27°C.

11. When is the rainy season in Khao Lak?

    • The rainy season in Khao Lak typically lasts from May to October. During this time, the area experiences heavy rainfall and occasional thunderstorms, especially in the afternoons and evenings. It is important to note that the rainy season can sometimes bring flooding and landslides, so it is essential to stay up-to-date with weather forecasts and warnings.

12. Is it safe to visit Khao Lak during the monsoon season?

    • Although the monsoon season in Khao Lak can bring heavy rainfall and occasional storms, it is generally safe to visit during this time. However, it is important to be aware of the weather conditions and take necessary precautions, such as wearing appropriate clothing and shoes and avoiding outdoor activities during thunderstorms. It is also recommended to check with local authorities and tour operators for any safety advisories or warnings.

13. What should I pack for a trip to Khao Lak?

    • When packing for a trip to Khao Lak, it is important to consider the weather conditions. During the dry season from November to April, it is hot and humid, so light clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, and sandals are recommended. However, during the rainy season from May to October, it is essential to pack rain gear, such as an umbrella or rain jacket, and waterproof shoes.

14. Where you can travel from Khao Lak?

    • From Khao Lak in Tapua District you can travel to Khao Sok National Park, Koh Samui or you can travel via Krabi to Koh Phi Phi – one of the most visited islands in southern Thailand.

15. How to travel solo in Thailand?

    • Embark on a solo adventure in Thailand by researching destinations, ensuring personal safety, trying local experiences, connecting with fellow travelers, and savoring the diverse landscapes and attractions the country has to offer. Traveling on your own in Thailand is very popular by travelers. Read this article: Solo Travel in Thailand.

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