How do you get from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan? You can travel by combination of bus, van, taxi + ferry/speedboat.

1. Bus + Ferry to Koh Phangan
2. Taxi + Ferry to Koh Phangan
3. FAQ + Travel Tips + Info
🎫 Book Ticket to K.Phangan

From Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan you can travel by bus/taxi + ferry.

    • Travel distance from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan in Thailand is about 310 km by land via Surat Thani – Don Sak Pier. There are 2 options and ways how you can reach Koh Phangan from Koh Lanta: transfer by van/bus + ferry or private taxi/car + ferry. Travel by plane from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan is not possible, there are no airports in these places. There is also no railway from Koh Lanta and Surat Thani / Don Sak Pier. The most popular and cheapest option of transfer to Koh Phangan from Koh Lanta is to travel by van + ferry via Surat Thani. Transport by bus/van + ferry to Koh Phangan from Koh Lanta takes about 9-10 hours via Surat Thani and it costs about $28-45/pp. It is possible to search and book join tickets (bus + ferry) for this type of transport. Another way of transfer from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan is to travel by private taxi/car + ferry via Surat Thani. Transport by taxi/car + boat from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan takes about 9-10 hours and it costs about $150-200/pp via Surat Thani. You can also use this way of transfer if you want to visit Koh Tao, it is about 50 km from Koh Phangan. Before you arrive to Koh Phangan, you can also travel to Krabi by speedboat and visit Railay Beach.
    • Search and book your tickets from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan online


    • Teoretically you can also travel via Krabi, it is a good option if you want to visit this site. There are minivans or buses from Koh Lanta to Krabi and bus + ferry from Krabi to Koh Phangan. There are also flights between Krabi and Koh Samui, the closest island to Koh Phangan. Koh Phangan – the island, overgrown with humid jungle, became famous mainly because of the „Full Moon Party“, the largest beach party in the world, which regularly takes place under the full moon at Hat Rin Beach in the south of the island. It is also the center of nightlife, where you will also find the port, restaurants, shops and very popular and sought-after beach bars, massage parlors or diving centers. The topography of the island is mountainous, it is completely immersed in tropical rainforest and coconut plantations and is decorated with several waterfalls. Read the instructions how you can get to Koh Phangan from Koh Lanta below in this article. You can book and buy tickets to Koh Phangan online. From Koh Phangan you can also travel to Koh Samui and Koh Tao.
Transfer Mode – Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan: Travel Time Cost Range
Bus/Van + Ferry 9-10 hours $28-45/pp
Taxi/Car + Boat 9-10 hours $150-200/pp

BOOK your STAY in Koh Phangan

How do I get from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

1. BUS + FERRY from Koh Lanta to Phangan

A) Bus / Van from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani

    • transfer by bus or minivan from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani (Donsak Pier) takes about 6 hours
    • comfortable and modern bus or minivans to Surat Thani town, or Donsak Pier
    • Donsak Pier is about 100 km east from the town of Surat Thani
    • you can search and book join tickets – bus + ferry to Koh Lanta

B) Ferry / Boat from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan

    • travel by ferry or speedboat from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan takes about 2.5-5 hours
    • comfortable and modern speedboats or ferry from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan
    • various bus+ferry companies: Phantip 1970, Raja Ferry Port, Krabi Sea Pearl, Seatran Discovery…
    • bus/van + ferry ticket from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan costs about $28-45/pp
    • ferries and boats arrive to Thong Sala Pier in Koh Phangan
    • Book bus + ferry tickets from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan on ➜
    • travel by van+ferry is the most cheapest option how to reach Koh Phangan from Koh Lanta
Minivan / Bus and ferry from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan via Surat Thani (photo:

2. TAXI / CAR + FERRY from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan

A) Private taxi / car from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani

    • transport by private taxi or car from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani takes about 3.5-5 hours
    • taxi companies from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani: Ramon Transport, Koh Lanta Sea Tour, Andaman Taxis…
    • there are various modern cars, minibuses and modern luxury minivans
    • private minivan/car to Surat Thani costs about $140-160 (car for 4-5 or van for up to 9 passengers)
    • You can book private taxi/car from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani on ➜

B) Ferry / Boat from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan

    • transfer by ferry / speedboat from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan takes about 2.5-5 hours
    • transport companies to Koh Phangan: Phantip 1970, Raja Ferry Port, Krabi Sea Pearl, Seatran Discovery…
    • bus/van + ferry ticket from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan costs about $6-25/pp
    • ferries and boats arrive to Thong Sala Pier in Koh Phangan
    • Book ferry tickets from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan on ➜
From Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan you can also travel by private taxi + ferry via Surat Thani (photo:

🚢 Bus + Ferry Schedule / Timetable – Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan + Tickets:

Bus + Ferry Schedule - Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan

Departs in Koh Lanta

Arrival in Koh Phangan


Phantip 1970



From $28.00

Raja Ferry



From $32.00

Krabi Sea Pearl



From $45.00

🚢 Ferry + Bus Schedule / Timetable – Koh Phangan to Koh Lanta + Tickets:

Ferry + Bus Schedule - Koh Phangan to Koh Lanta

Departs in Koh Phangan

Arrival in Koh Lanta


Phantip 1970



From $28.00

Phantip 1970



From $28.00

Phantip 1970



From $28.00

Raja Ferry



From $31.00

Raja Ferry



From $31.00

BOOK a TOUR / TRIP in Surat Thani


FAQ + TIPS – Travel from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan:

1. How to book and buy tickets and flights from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

    • You can book tickets + flights from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan on
    • it is also possible to book another routes, e.g. Koh Lanta to Koh Phi Phi…

2. What is the travel time from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

    • Travel by bus/van + ferry from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan takes about 9-10 hours via Surat Thani.
    • Travel by taxi/car + boat from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan takes about 9-10 hours via Surat Thani.

3. What is the travel distance from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

4. What is the price of the transfer from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

    • Transfer by bus/van + ferry from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan costs about $28-45/pp via Surat Thani.
    • Transfer by taxi/car + ferry from Koh Lanta to Phangan costs about $150-200/pp via Surat Thani.

5. What is the best option of transport from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

    • The best and also fastest option is to travel by private minivan + ferry or speedboat via Surat Thani – Don Sak Pier. This way is also the most cheapest way of transfer between these places. There are modern comfortable minivans and ferries from Don Sak Pier to Koh Phangan.

6. Is there a train from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani / Don Sak Pier?

    • No, there is no railway from Koh Lanta to Surat Thani town or Don Sak Pier, travel by train between these sites is not possible. The closest railway station to Koh Lanta is in Trang and there is a railway station and train to Surat Thani. But it does not make a sense to travel by train.

7. Is there a direct flight from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan?

    • No, there is no flight from Koh Lanta to Koh Phangan because there is no airport in Koh Lanta and Koh Phangan. There is only a direct flight from Krabi to Koh Samui. So you can go to Krabi, take a flight to Koh Samui and from this island you can travel by boat to Koh Phangan.

8. Where to stay on Koh Phangan, hotel, hostel or resort?

    • Koh Phangan offer various small beach resorts, bungalows or beach hotels. Choose your accommodation from this selection from AGoda, there are discounts up to 60%: Book your accommodation in Koh Phangan.

9. Where to travel from Koh Phangan?

    • If you are already in Koh Phangan, you should also visit Koh Samui and Koh Tao. Another popular islands in the Gulf of Thailand. You can also travel to Bangkok via Koh Samui, there are flights from Koh Samui to Bangkok.

10. How to go from Krabi to Koh Phangan?

    • If you will be traveling to Koh Phangan via Krabi, you can use the same way of transfer. There are private minivans or buses from Krabi to Surat Thani town and from Surat Thani you can travel by speedboat or ferry to Koh Phangan.

BOOK your STAY in Koh Phangan


Thailand to Vietnam ➔

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