BANGKOK to SURAT THANI → Train Schedule ☀️

Trains from Bangkok to Surat Thani – Train schedule + Timetable + Fares + Train tickets.

1. Train Schedule
2. Train to Surat Thani
3. FAQ + Travel Tips
🎫 Book Train Ticket

📅 Train from Bangkok to Surat Thani – Schedule / Timetable + Train Tickets:

    • Bangkok to Surat Thani – one of the most frequented railway routes to southern Thailand
    • there are overnight + day sleeper + seat trains between Bangkok and Surat Thani
    • train tickets from Bangkok and Surat Thani start at $7-50/pp (soft seat or sleeper berths)
    • travel by sleeper overnight train from Bangkok and Surat Thani takes about 9-12 hours
    • trains to Surat Thani depart from Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal Station or Don Mueang and arrives to Surat Thani Railway Station in Surat Thani town
    • you can check Thailand Railway Map + most frequented railway routes in Thailand
    • the most cheapest way how to travel by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani is a hard seat $7-9/pp
    • train tickets from Bangkok to Surat Thani – 1st class sleeper berth costs about $40-55/pp
    • Book train tickets from Bangkok to Surat Thani on Baolau ➜ or ➜
Train Schedule – Bangkok to Surat Thani: Departs in Bangkok Arrival in Surat Thani Train Ticket
Train SP37 16:10 01:49 From $9.00
Train SP43 07:30 16:20 From $16.00
Train RP171 15:10 01:11 From $6.60
Train SP39 22:50 07:50 From $16.00
Train EX83 18:50 04:58 From $8.00
Train RP169 17:30 04:06 From $7.00
Train EX85 19:50 06:23 From $8.00
Train RP167 20:30 07:16 From $7.00
Train SP45 16:10 01:49 From $24.00
Train SP31 16:50 02:20 From $30.00
Train Schedule – Surat Thani to Bangkok: Departs in Surat Thani Arrival in Bangkok Train Ticket
Train SP40 10:25 20:30 From $18.70
Train RP170 19:41 08:25 From $6.70
Train EX86 18:52 07:45 From $7.90
Train SP44 21:05 08:45 From $18.70
Train SP38 23:14 12:05 From $8.70
Train RP172 21:16 10:30 From $6.70
Train EX84 20:14 09:25 From $7.90
Train RP168 17:08 07:00 From $6.50
Train SP46 23:14 12:05 From $29.50
Train SP32 22:27 10:50 From $30.00

🚆 What type of trains depart from Bangkok to Surat Thani?

Train from Bangkok to Surat Thani – 2nd class seat + sleeper berths (photo:
Train from Bangkok to Surat Thani – 1st class sleeper cabin / berth (photo:
Train from Bangkok to Surat Thani – 2nd class seats / berth (photo:

FAQ + Tips — Travel by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani:

1. How to book and buy train tickets from Bangkok to Surat Thani?

    • You can book train tickets from Bangkok to Surat Thani on Baolau ➜ or ➜.
    • you can also search another travel routes, e.g. Bangkok to Pattaya, Bangkok to Hua Hin…

2. What is the travel time by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani?

    • Travel by train of Thai Railway from Bangkok to Surat Thani in Thailand takes about 9-12 hours.

3. Which train from Bangkok to Surat Thani to choose? What is the best train?

    • You should take a sleeper train, berth to Surat Thani. The best and comfortable are 1st class sleeper trains.

4. How much does it cost to travel by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani?

    • Travel by train of Thai Railway from Bangkok to Surat Thani costs about $7-50/pp. The most cheapest option is a seat of the 3rd or 2nd class, the most expensive option is to travel by train of the 1st class – sleeper berth, this option costs about $40-50/pp.

5. What is the travel distance by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani?

    • Travel distance from Bangkok to Surat Thani in Thailand by train is about 650 km.

6. What to watch out when you are traveling by train to Surat Thani?

    • The most important thing is to watch your baggage in the train from Bangkok to Surat Thani. It is recommended to come at the railway station in Bangkok at least 1 hour before departure of the train.

7. Is an train e-ticket from Bangkok to Surat Thani in smartphone or tablet acceptable?

    • You can use your train e-ticket to Surat Thani in your smartphone, but it is recommended to print this e-ticket. Read carefully the instructions before and after you book your train ticket, because these instructions can change.

8. Are there also another ways of transfer to Surat Thani from Bangkok?

    • Yes, from Bangkok to Surat Thani you can also travel by bus, private car or taxi or you can also travel by plane. There are direct flights between Bangkok and Surat Thani, it is the most fastest option. The most expensive way of transfer to Bangkok is to book your private taxi/car.

9. From which railway station in Bangkok these trains depart?

10. Where do you keep your luggage in Bangkok?

    • You can try Radical Storage service in Thailand. This service offers a few places in the city center of Bangkok, you can search + book your luggage place online.

11. Where to stay in Surat Thani? Hotel, hostel or guesthouse?

    • Surat Thani has various accommodation facilities, there are cheap hotels / guesthouses, luxury hotels and also hostels for low-cost travelers. You can book your hotel in Surat Thani in Thailand easily online.

12. Where you can also travel from Bangkok?

13. Where you can travel from Surat Thani town?

    • From Surat Thani town you can travel by van + ferry to Koh Samui, by bus / car to Krabi + Koh Phi Phi or Phuket. These 3 places belongs to the most visited tourist sites in southern Thailand.

BOOK a TOUR / ACTIVITY in Surat Thani


Travel route by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani in Thailand.
Travel by train from Bangkok to Surat Thani
Travel Route Bangkok to Surat Thani
Popular Route One of the most frequented railway routes to southern Thailand
Train Types Overnight, day sleeper, and seat trains
Train Ticket Prices Start at $7-50 per person (soft seat or sleeper berths)
Travel Time About 9-12 hours by sleeper overnight train
Departure Points Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal Station or Don Mueang
Arrival Point Surat Thani Railway Station in Surat Thani town
Cheapest Option Hard seat for $7-9 per person

🎫 Book train tickets from Bangkok to Surat Thani + Schedule:

(You can change your departure place, arrival and date of departure, eg. Bangkok to Hua Hin, Hua Hin to Surat Thani…)

Bangkok to Vietnam ➜

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